If you feel...

  • Overwhelmed by increasing levels of racial tension and anti-immigrant sentiment

  • Motivated to confront implicit and explicit bias and racism

  • Frustrated because you want to do something about it, but don't know where to start

  • Hesitant to commit to doing anti-racism work because it feels uncomfortable and painful, no matter what your identity

Then this course is for you.

Here's why...

If we don’t align our actions with our values, racial tensions and distrust will continue to divide us.

Many people learn about race relations from the news or reading books. These sources often point out problems and they rarely provide practical ways to address these issues. As a result, there's no meaningful change because people who want to learn more about these topics:

  • Are often addressed in a manner meant to blame and shame... leading to defensiveness and no open dialogue

  • Don’t know how to handle feelings of guilt or frustration...and they find that avoiding potential conflict is more comfortable and less risky

  • Avoid sharing what they think and exposing their "learning mistakes"... fearing that they will offend the people they want to help

  • Passively promote posts and hashtags on social media and wear clothes that show their awareness...without doing the active work would actually make a difference.

What happens if we do nothing? If we keep doing what we’ve been doing?

If "well-meaning" people continue to avoid authentic conversations and uncomfortable feelings about race, there will be no meaningful change and tensions will continue to rise.

As anti-racism educators, we know how uncomfortable it can be to truly do the work of anti-racism.

We've found an answer that works. Here's our story:

Dr. Jill Wener, the co-founder of Conscious Anti-Racism, is a board-certified physician and back in 2011, she was dealing with severe professional burnout. To overcome this, she learned some meditation and mindfulness techniques that healed her burnout and completely changed her life. To help her patients and coaching clients, she became certified in meditation and tapping, also known as the  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). 

These proven tools decrease stress, improve physical and emotional health, and uncover ways that our thoughts and beliefs can prevent us from living an optimal life.

Five years later, in 2016, she was thriving professionally, but she felt unsettled in her life outside of work. She felt like the political climate in the United States was changing. There was a palpable "ugliness" in the way people interacted with each other.

She wrote a blog post after the 2016 election, describing how she processed her feelings about this new reality. She was pretty proud of her work... until a friend commented that her well-meaning post rang of "white privilege".

She immediately became defensive. She felt like her friend was calling her a racist!

Fortunately, she didn’t get stuck in an unproductive, defensive state for too long.

Mindfulness and meditation have taught her that when she becomes defensive, it means that there's something deeper that she needs to address, process, and learn. The guilt, anger, and frustration she felt when she heard “white privilege” were the exact things that she needed to address.

She went on a path of self-discovery and accountability that took her through books, retreats, and authentic conversations in diverse neighborhood discussion groups. 

As she learned more about racial dynamics and social justice, she realized that she had lived a privileged existence.

Her life experiences sheltered her from understanding what it meant to navigate the world as a person of color, and this limited understanding affected the care she provided for her patients and how she navigated the world in general.

As a progressive, educated, and all-around good person, she thought she was exempt from being racist. But now, she was learning about the behaviors, beliefs, and systems that perpetuated racism in her personal and professional life.

She discovered that she may have unintentionally contributed to these unjust systems, both in and out of healthcare. So, she pledged to be more accountable, committed to racial justice, and she started her journey to do better.

She experienced discomfort and questioned her core beliefs as she became more conscious of the world around her. Throughout the process, the mindfulness tools she's practiced since 2011 have helped to disarm her defensiveness so she can remain open to learning and change.

And then she met Dr. Maiysha Clairborne, a family and integrative physician, Master Neurolinguistic Programming coach and trainer, Conscious Communication coach, and the co-founder of Conscious Anti-Racism. 

Dr. Maiysha had also felt called to contribute her expertise to dismantling systemic racism, and to further explore how she and other people of color have been impacted by internalized racism. 

They both knew instantly that together, they could combine their expertise as physicians and mind-body practitioners with our experiences coming from different racial backgrounds to help people of all racial identities do the work to dismantle racism- both internally and externally. 

The unique partnership between Dr. Maiysha and Dr. Jill provides a multidimensional, trauma-informed journey for their clients to do the crucial internal and external work required to fight for racial equity in a well-informed, meaningful way, in order to have the most impact on their organizations and their lives.

This work is challenging, but we are living in challenging times.

Confronting systemic racism and fighting for racial justice can stir up difficult emotions.

Fortunately, we've developed some practical tools that will help you overcome these challenges.

Conscious Anti-Racism, through its live trainings, bestselling book and this online course, provides practical, evidence-based tools that help people of all identities lean into the discomfort and understand the impact of racism, so they can contribute in a sustainable way to eradicating systemic oppression and inequality. 

These tools also equip people with a lived experience of racism to process and heal from racialized trauma. 

The Conscious Anti-Racism curriculum, which has been curated to maximize the online learning experience in this course, focuses on increasing resilience and emotional intelligence around race, to equip people with the personal skills needed to recognize and address the insidious ways that racism shows up in their daily lives, no matter their racial or other identity. 

We share these tools with you in the course Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change

This Course Has Helped These People,
And It Will Help You Too

“I struggled alone with the emotions, conflict and discomfort that comes with learning that which we were not taught growing up. Access to a resource such as this to help deal with those issues would have been a great help.” G. Schisla

"Studying the characteristics of white supremacy culture provided an effective framework in which to build out the additional learning modules. This course gave me the courage to discuss race with my co-workers with an open heart and the ability to listen, because I was able to take myself out of the equation. I recommend this course for anyone open and willing to look deeper at their own biases and confront the instances of racism in their work environment." L. Wright, Nurse

“I feel the real life examples will make this relatable and relevant to everyone. This type of work is long overdue…”  K. Arnold, Physician

"I was overwhelmed. I was full of passion but too full of emotion to be able to express myself or take appropriate action when face with those with opposing views. I had committed to educating myself but was really lost on how to begin. I learned about ways to channel and process what my body was feeling in response to all the information and stress that was coming in. This gave me a way to process what I was feeling. I am more personally aware of my conversations with People of Color, especially my patients. I feel that by leading by example in my interactions, my personal vulnerability in my experiences and new learnings, and the courage to initiate conversations has a fire all of its own." K. Jones, ICU Nurse

"Living in middle Georgia and treating a racially diverse population of patients, and working with a racially diverse group of people, my own judgement and bias bubbles up EVERY SINGLE DAY. Applying those tools to process the sensations I was feeling when faced with my bias on race wasn't on my radar until this course. I see the tools I've been exposed to in this course as necessary to break down those old myths I've been holding as truths. I don't think it's possible to truly be anti racist advocates if we don't have the tools to crack open our hearts and minds." R. McInnis, Mother-Baby Nurse 

"Dr. Wener and Dr. Clairborne have developed a groundbreaking journey of self-discovery that confronts the deep-seated beliefs and behaviors that lead to social and racial inequality. Her expertise in meditation and tapping is uniquely merged with anti-racism work to help participants change the way they interact with the world around them and prepare them to make profound changes in their consciousness and communities."  Dr. N. Peoples

This course doesn't just help individuals. The Conscious Anti-Racism training curriculum helps organizations of all sizes meet their anti-oppression and equity goals:

In a research study using this Conscious Anti-Racism online course at an inpatient child psychiatry unit, there was a decrease in restraints of Black patients from 43% to 18% after 215 (>50%) staff participated in online training.

All racial disparities in restraint rates were eliminated. 

In addition, scores on the Harvard Implicit Association Test showed a statistically significant decrease in implicit bias. 

The Pittsburgh Business Group on Health participated in the Conscious Anti-Racism training w/100% participation from their team and 60% participation from their board, which allowed them to align as an organization to make major decisions around their focus on health equity.

  • They launched a non-profit, Bridges 4 Health Equity, which has implemented two major grant funded projects to make a significant impact in health inequity.

  • They implemented equity-alignment into board requirements.

  • They developed an equity pledge to encourage the professional community be held accountable. >150 people signed or recorded the pledge and >500 people visited the pledge site.

When you enroll in Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change, you’ll get the tools to…

  • Be emotionally equipped to acknowledge what we can do as individuals to change the world around us

  • Not feel intimidated by the strong feelings that arise from the type of "deep work" that leads to transformational change

  • Empower yourself to speak up confidently against racism, confront biases, and recognize privilege in a way that serves the patients who are most directly impacted by racism and racial bias

Here’s what you get in Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change:

We created each module to vary between 15-60 minutes, including videos and self-reflection exercises. All videos have captions and transcripts to enhance accessibility for all learners.

  • INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Conscious Anti-Racism

    Welcome to the course! In this module, we share the philosophy of the Conscious Anti-Racism journey that you’ll be experiencing in this course, we’ll introduce you to your course facilitators, and we’ll discuss the core principles and terms used throughout the course. We’ll discuss what anti-racism is, and how it affects people of color in our healthcare system and in our society. You’ll also learn about trauma, the Window of Tolerance and how to care for yourself as you go through this course.

  • MODULE 1: Mindfulness, Awareness, and Your Senses

    We are emotional beings, and our reactions are often at the mercy of our thoughts and emotions. Despite our reactive nature, we can learn to observe our emotions and use them as tools to discover what we need to work on within ourselves. In this module, we learn about mindfulness. This helps us deal with the difficult feelings that arise when talking about racism. When our emotions don't control us, we become more aware, rational and productive in our decision making.

  • MODULE 2: The Origins of Bias

    Did you know that all people have bias? And that bias isn’t always a bad thing? This module will discuss the neurologic origins of bias and the importance of recognizing and acknowledging our bias in anti-racism work.

  • MODULE 3: The History of Race and Racism

    Without knowing where we came from, it’s much more difficult to dismantle systems of oppression that have existed for hundreds of years. In this module, you’ll learn about the history of race and racism and how it continues to impact our society today.

  • MODULE 4: Learning To Recognize Uncomfortable Emotions About Racism

    In this module, we begin to confront the uncomfortable feelings that arise from recognizing racism. It’s natural to have physical responses to strong emotions, especially when dealing with defensiveness, anger, guilt, or shame. This discomfort can lead to withdrawal and inaction. We will learn how to recognize negative feelings, and how to process them, so we can more successfully do the equity work that needs to be done- for our patients, for our colleagues and trainees, and for society as a whole.

  • MODULE 5: The Characteristics of White Supremacism Culture

    It’s not always obvious how racism and bias show up- at home, in the healthcare system, and beyond. In this module you’ll dive deep into the characteristics of white supremacism culture (also called Dominant Culture): what they are, how to recognize them as they show up in your life, and what to do about it.

  • MODULE 6: Your Negative Reactions are Agents for Meaningful Change

    When we have strong negative reactions to a person who is different from us, that person might reflect something that we need to change in ourselves. A defensive reaction can also reveal what needs to change within us. When we recognize and embrace our shortcomings, we can stop being negative and judgmental. This consciousness allows us to address anti-racism in a self-aware manner.

  • MODULE 7: Cultivating Compassion For The Self, And For Others

    We need to have compassion for ourselves and for others. Self-improvement requires that we deal with the negative things that we're not proud of. Nobody's perfect, and we need to embrace where we are right now. For doctors, in particular, this might make us feel vulnerable. In this module, we help you to remain compassionate as you become a better version of yourself. You can apply this teaching to your everyday life immediately.

  • MODULE 8: Intersectionality

    Anti-racism isn’t just about race. It’s about lifting up people with all marginalized identities. Join Dr. Suzi Lopez as she discusses her own experiences with racism and how different identities intersect to create a unique lived experience for everyone.

  • MODULE 9: Tapping- A Powerful Tool To Process Stress, Bias And Specific Emotions Relating To Antiracism

    Uncovering implicit biases and ‘getting it wrong’ can be an emotional experience. Emotions are not good or bad; they're not right or wrong. As we go through this process, we need to extend ourselves some grace. Tapping (also called EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Technique) is an evidence-based technique that helps us process these difficult emotions. Tapping helps to overcome stress, shame, and defensiveness, the exact emotions that often prevent personal growth. It is also a powerful tool for self-care.

  • MODULE 10: Communication and Difficult Conversations

    Speaking up when we encounter racism is challenging. “Ally” and "partner" are not only nouns, they're also verbs. Being an ally in antiracism work is a constant, active process. Regardless of our racial identity, we will all face situations where we may need to confront racism in our personal and professional lives, and we also need to be aware of how our own words and actions may harm People of Color (and what to do to repair that damage). In this module, we'll discuss how to approach difficult conversations about race, and we’ll discuss how to overcome our emotions in challenging situations so that we are more likely to speak up for others.

  • MODULE 11: Communication Techniques

    Learning to read body language and putting yourself in another person’s shoes are essential skills in anti-racism work, but they’re not always easy to do. In this module, Dr. Maiysha discusses how to do both.

  • MODULE 12: Guided Integration Process

    As you move towards the completion of the course, your journey is far from over. In this module, Dr. Maiysha and Dr. Jill lead you through a guided integration process to consolidate and integrate everything you’ve learned and inspire your vision moving forward.

  • MODULE 13: Moving Forward and Taking Action

    Now that you have the tools to successfully engage in anti-racism work, it’s time to take action! We’re all about accountability. In this module, we’ll guide you through the process of creating your Conscious Anti-Racism Action Plan, so that you can continue the positive momentum in your work- both in the healthcare setting and beyond.

Incredible Bonus Content

  • Anti-Racism in the Workplace: A Conversation with Jill and Maiysha

    How can you bring the concepts and techniques of the Conscious Anti-Racism course to the workplace? In this 'no holds barred' conversation between Maiysha and Jill, Maiysha answers some tough questions about ways to combat racism in the workplace and how to best support your BIPOC colleagues.

  • Interview with Anti-Racism Activist Dr. Camara Jones

    You do NOT want to miss this incredible interview with Dr. Camara Jones- a family doc, epidemiologist, anti-racism activist, and world renowned public speaker. She provides a framework to conceptualize systemic racism in a way that you will never forget, and you'll find yourself thinking 'how did I ever see things differently?'

  • Systemic Racism In Healthcare: Social Determinants of Health

    This 2-part bonus series on Systemic Racism in Healthcare will help you to understand just how important systemic racism is in creating current and historical inequities in the healthcare system.

  • Guided Healing and Boundary Setting with Janet Raftis

    It's difficult when we recognize that our inaction and avoidance contribute to systemic racism, in healthcare and beyond. Guilt and shame don't lead to productive action. In this bonus guided healing meditation, Janet Raftis, master energy healer, will help white people to overcome these difficult feelings, so they can do the work to make things better for people of all races.

Our Guarantee

You are 100% safe to try this out. If you find that this course does not give you constructive tools for self-improvement, to overcome bias and privilege, and teach how to be an effective anti-racist...then please let us know.

Contact us within 5 days of your purchase at [email protected]. Send proof that you have completed the first three modules and include the self-reflection exercises.

We will refund 90% of the course fee back to you. Why not 100%? We donate 10% of the course proceeds to anti-racism organizations, so that part of the course fee is not refundable.

It’s Decision Time

You have a choice to make:
Do what you’ve been doing
(or worse, do nothing at all).

You can finally learn how to confidently speak up against racism, confront biases and privilege, and contribute to the movement for social justice in a way that serves those who are most directly impacted by racism and racial bias.

In Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change, you’ll get

  • 13 course modules that include practical, actionable, non-theoretical, easy-to-use tools

  • A digital course workbook with self-reflection exercises to promote concrete action and honest examination of your own practices and biases

  • Enhanced accessibility for all types of learners, including captions and transcripts for all modules

  • Tools that create a foundation for your anti-racism and equity work moving forward

  • 5 incredible bonus modules

Here’s what to do now…

Select the “Enroll Now” button. You'll be directed to the secure course ordering page where you can buy the course for $649.00.

A part of your course enrollment fee, 10%, is donated to support organizations that fight for social justice and antiracism.


The knowledge and self-reflection that you'll get from this course will help you to not feel paralyzed with discomfort when you encounter racism.

You'll have a better understanding of systemic racism in our society, how it can affect our innermost thoughts and beliefs, and how to process these feelings to take meaningful action.

You’ll learn practical tools to help you to be accountable in your role in society.

You'll feel empowered to help make this world the place we all hope for.

Still Have Questions?

Still have questions? Here are the answers to the ones we most commonly hear.

  • What is Anti-racism?

    Anti-Racism is a way to describe policies or ideas that oppose racism. People of all races can be anti-racists. We'll go into a lot more detail about anti-racism in the course.

  • But I'm not racist! Why do I need this course?

    Some people define a racist as someone who believes that one race is superior to another.

    But when you consider a more accurate and inclusive definition: someone who supports racist policy through their actions, inaction or ideas, we can see that "racist" can apply to many of us. How many times have we assumed racist beliefs based on where a person lives or their political party?

    Besides understanding what an anti-racist is, this course helps us to understand terms like privilege, unconscious bias, and how good people can unintentionally perpetuate racist systems in this country.

    But we don’t stop there. We give you the tools to be accountable and make transformative change. In the process, you’ll learn to recognize your own limits, embrace where you are now, and make an authentic change, so you can contribute to the movement for social justice in a meaningful way.

  • Do I need experience with anti-racism work to enroll in the course?

    Absolutely not! Everyone is welcome. We'll spend the first module going over core principles and definitions of anti-racism and how it affects people of color in our society. The rest of the course focuses on tools and techniques to help you show up in the world as an anti-racist in the most impactful way possible. We can't wait to share this information and these techniques with you!

  • Is this course only for white people?

    We welcome people of all races to take this course.

    This course will help white allies be better informed and better prepared to challenge their own privilege, racism, and implicit bias. In the United States, privilege can arise just from being part of the white majority. This privilege overrides class, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or gender. Being aware of this helps us understand why systemic racism continues.

    However, this course is not only for white people. The techniques covered in the course can help everyone to process the difficult emotions and experiences related to racism, and they can be used for self-care and true healing.

  • How long will it take me to complete the course?

    The course has 13 actionable learning modules. Each module includes videos and self-reflection exercises that will take 15-60 minutes to complete.

    You can go at your own pace, and we recommend that you go through each module in order because each module builds upon the previous module.

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    You'll have unlimited access to the course for 2 years. If you wish to extend access after 2 years, you can email us at [email protected] for options.

  • Can I interact with other students in the course?

    Yes, everyone is welcome to join our Conscious Anti-Racism Facebook group. You can interact and share your experiences in the course with like-minded people. Search for the group by name on Facebook.

  • What is the refund policy?

    If you are unhappy with the course, then please contact us within 5 days of purchase at [email protected].

    Send proof that you have completed the first three modules and include your self-reflection exercises. We will refund 90% of the course fee back to you. Why not 100%? We donate 10% of the course proceeds to anti-racism organizations, so that part of the course fee is not refundable.

    The organizations that we currently support are:
    1. Sister Song
    2. Spirit House DC

  • I still have a question, how can I contact you?

    You may email any additional questions to [email protected].

Your Course Instructors

Courses on Anti-Racism to Address White Privilege and Fight Intrinsic BiasJill Wener, MD is a board-certified Internist. In 2011, after suffering severe burnout, she learned a meditation technique that healed her burnout and also completely changed her life. She ultimately decided to transition out of clinical medicine to focus on her work as an expert in physician wellness. 

Jill is passionate about helping people take responsibility for their problems and teaching them practical, easy, rewarding tools to take self-improvement to the next level. In addition to training in meditation and mindfulness, Jill has also added the evidence-based technique of Tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, to the arsenal of powerful tools that help her clients manage stress, improve their physical and emotional health, and explore the ways that their mindset and self-limiting beliefs create their own reality. 

Jill has published several articles on KevinMD, led CME-accredited physician wellness programs around the country, and lectured at the national level on stress and the benefits of meditation and tapping. She has been interviewed on multiple TV and radio shows as well as podcasts (in the medical community and beyond). 

Jill's interest in Anti-Racism began in earnest after the 2016 election. She attended an Anti-Racism retreat called Allies in Action with Leslie Mac and Paige Ingram. At the retreat, Jill realized that she could use her expertise in mind-body techniques to really help people process the discomfort around race and understand and confront their privilege and implicit bias. 

Jill is the co-creator of the Conscious Anti-Racism curriculum, in which she (along with her business partner Dr. Maiysha Clairborne) combines her insights on her own anti-racism journey with her mind-body expertise and her 10 years of experience practicing medicine. The Conscious Anti-Racism training curriculum is available as a CME-accredited online course and as a 12-hour live/virtual training, which Jill and Maiysha deliver in both corporate and healthcare settings. They have worked with clients such as the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health and the National Alliance for Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions. Jill is a facilitator for the ACGME’s ‘Equity Matters’ program,  she is the host of the Conscious Anti-Racism podcast, and she is also the author of the best-selling Conscious Anti-Racism book with Dr. Clairborne.

Jill is very much aware that she is a white woman working as an anti-racism educator, and as she teaches others, she works hard to continuously educate herself so that she can teach in the most sensitive, culturally competent, effective way. 

You can email her at [email protected], join her Conscious Anti-Racism Facebook group, and follow her on social media: Instagram @JillWenerMD and Twitter @JillWenerMD. You can visit her website: www.jillwener.com.

Maiysha Clairborne, MD is an integrative family physician, Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnosis & Time Line Therapy®, and founder of the Mind Re-Mapping Academy: School of NLP, Hypnosis, & Time Line Therapy®. A healer at heart with over 20 years experience, she is passionate about transforming the lives the people she coaches and trains by teaching them how to communicate more effectively and how to eliminate the fear, self-doubt, negative thoughts & feelings that get in the way of their clarity, communication, focus, & productivity so that they have more confidence in themselves, attract more of what they want, and take their careers & relationships to the next level so they can live a life beyond their wildest dreams.

 As a speaker, trainer, and coach, Dr. Maiysha loves empowering her students & clients in business, entrepreneurship and the power of the unconscious mind. Her own struggle with burnout is what originally inspired her to step outside the box, and her frameworks and programs now help doctors and medical professionals around the world reclaim their time, freedom, and peace of mind.

Dr. Maiysha is a graduate of Emory University, completing her medical degree at Morehouse School of Medicine, and her Family Medicine Residency at Florida Hospital. 

You can follow her on social media: Instagram @DrMaiysha and Twitter @DrMaiysha.

Stacie Schmidt, MD completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, where she was born and raised.  She went to medical school and completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.

She works as an internist for Emory University's Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, where she serves as Assistant Professor of Medicine.  She has always been committed to improving care delivery among underserved patients. She delivers direct patient care, while also working with Emory residents as they care for their own clinic patients within the Grady Primary Care Center (PCC), an academic, safety net, hospital-based clinic accommodating approximately 55,000 visits a year, mostly to uninsured low-literacy patients with multiple chronic illnesses. 

Dr. Schmidt believes that effective care delivery requires patient-centered care that promotes self-efficacy, as well as enhanced communication between providers from various disciplines regarding the plan of care. She is currently working collaboratively with colleagues to establish a Food As Medicine Program for residents of the Emory J. Willis Hurst Internal Medicine Program. Components of the curriculum include establishing a teaching kitchen, hosting engaging nutrition classes, and providing fresh produce to PCC patients with food insecurity.  

Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang is a mother, cancer survivor, mindfulness teacher, and Director of Pulmonary Integrative Medicine. She is a leader and international speaker on wellness, mindfulness, anti-racism, integrative and pulmonary medicine who has taught courses, led retreats, and designed wellness curricula for a decade. She has been recognized as a three time San Diego Top Doctor, received the San Diego American Lung Association Lung Health Provider of the Year Award in 2019, and was recognized by Mindful magazine as one of the 10 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement in 2021. She co-hosts the Mindful Healers Podcast and founded the Mindful Healthcare Collective, providing free wellness sessions to reduce suffering amongst healthcare professionals.

Dr. Susan Lopez is Assistant Professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine and the Division of Community and Global Health Equity, both in the Department of Internal Medicine. She has a degree in Latino Studies from the University of Michigan and attended medical school at the UIC College of Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine training at Rush University Medical Center and is now a faculty member at Rush. She works to recruit and support learners to meet the needs of Chicago’s diverse patient population in her role on the Executive Admissions Committee for Rush Medical College. She is passionate about recruiting, retaining, supporting, and training medical professionals about bias and its impact on medical care and health equity in her role as Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Graduate Medical Education. She mentors students and residents in her role as faculty advisor to several resident and student committees and organizations. She works to address health inequities through research and advocating for resources for communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 by shedding light on disparities through her writing as a Public Voices Fellow with the Op-Ed Project.


Anne Kennard, DO, FACOG is an OBGYN, fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine, a registered yoga and meditation instructor, herbalist, and holds a B.S. in Nutrition Science. She is the Director for Integrative Medicine and OBGYN Core Faculty at Marian Regional Medical Center, the author of Nourish: An Integrative Medicine Cookbook, and lectures nationally on topics related to Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine and Women's Health, Culinary Medicine, physician well-being, and mindfulness. As an OBGYN, she became passionate about developing tools for healthcare professionals to examine implicit bias after a 2018 study showed that women of color had twice the mortality rates of white women during childbirth, even when all other disease states were accounted for. She lives on the Central Coast of California with her family and enjoys playing on the beach with her preschooler. You may learn more about working with Dr. Kennard on her website www.drannekennard.com. You may also follow her on Facebook @drannekennard and Instagram @dr_anne_kennard.

Janet Raftis has been playing with energy her entire life, but in 2004 she began to do so in a serious way. She began with the study of Reiki and quickly became a Master. She has since learned Pranic Healing and Matrix Energetics, and she is able to psychically understand what Spirit wishes to reveal to her clients. As a result, she has created a type of healing that is led by her intuition and personalized to each individual's unique needs. Janet works closely with the Divine Feminine, serving as a channel for their healing and teachings, and she has become an activator for others, helping them to access their healing and intuitive gifts through their connection to Spirit and the Divine Feminine in a way that feels safe and secure. She has a thriving healing practice, teaches intuitive and spiritual development, leads spiritual circles, and hosts retreats around the world. Janet came to Conscious Anti-Racism work because she wishes to root out the racism that is systemic within her and so that she could not just understand how she is a part of the problem, but from that understanding, become a part of the solution that is authentic to the needs of people of color. To learn more about working with Janet, visit her website at www.janetraftis.com, and you may follow her on Instagram at @janetraftis.

Enroll Now

Empower yourself with Conscious Anti-Racism: Tools for Self-Discovery, Accountability, and Meaningful Change today!