Is your answer 'yes' to one or more of these questions?

  • Do you see your friends, family, kids, clients and colleagues suffering from stress, pain, and burnout and wish you had a way to help them?

  • Are you involved in wellness at your organization or work place, and looking for new, evidence-based tools to help your organization thrive?

  • Do you work in the social justice space and hope to bring tools to your organization to help manage stress?

  • Are you tired of feeling stressed, reactive, and at the mercy of your emotions, and looking for an easy, effective, and evidence-based way to manage your own stress, pain, and burnout?

If so, you're invited to join the CME-accredited EFT/Tapping ‘Train the Trainer’ with tapping expert Jill Wener, MD!

With this self-guided, hands-on training, you'll get:

  • Professional Development and CME

    Learn to formally teach students, trainees, and colleagues the basics of tapping to manage stress, pain, burnout, and difficult emotions, and get 12 hours of CME/CE in the process.

  • Self-Care

    Use EFT/Tapping yourself to manage stress, burnout, pain, and difficult emotions- learn from the ground up, or take your existing tapping practice even deeper.

  • Fundamental Knowledge

    Understand the background, mechanics and basics of tapping, including how and when to 'infuse the positive' into your tapping sequence.

  • Trauma-Informed Approach

    Understand how to teach tapping in a trauma-informed way, how trauma can show up in tapping, and how tapping can be used to regulate the nervous system.

  • Experiential Learning

    Hands-on, practical experience using EFT/Tapping techniques helps you to gain a deeper understanding of how it works and develop confidence in your ability to teach it.

  • Family Benefits

    Learn how to tap with children of all ages, including how to modify for younger and older kids and how to get kids more curious in tapping.

Professional Development Meets Self-Care

Get CME as you learn to teach friends, family, colleagues, colleagues to manage stress and anxiety with the evidence-based EFT/Tapping technique

Get started now

Train the Trainer Testimonials

Esther Oyerinde, Medical Student

From No Experience To Feeling Prepared

Esther Oyerinde, Medical Student

“I went into the training with 0 experience. The training was absolutely amazing. The guidance documents that she provided us were super helpful and will continue to help me as I go deeper into the practice. The powerpoint slides Jill used were very easy to follow, interesting, and contained only the most important information. After the training, I feel confident in tapping & helping others to learn how to tap. And I am also grateful that Jill was very explicit in helping us to understand the level at which she was teaching us, and what kinds of topics/issues that may arise when we are working with people that we should not try to handle on our own at this stage of our training.”
Tanya Kleindienst, Coach

Will Use This Training Personally and Professionally

Tanya Kleindienst, Coach

I'm truly amazed at how effective tapping is in a very short amount of time. I'm a believer! I plan to use it personally to process feelings and be more present in the moment. I plan to use it professionally in my coaching practice as another tool offered to clients. I would recommend to anyone - both personally and professionally - that is interested in expanding their knowledge and would like formal training to put EFT into practice.
Dr. Jocelyn Craig

I Was Able To Easily Use It With My Son

Dr. Jocelyn Craig

“I was able to easily use it with my son a time when anything verbal would have been impossible to help him calm down. That was amazing! I use it on myself at stop lights on way to work. Naming emotions, calming myself down. I recommend this training for fellow surgeons- we all need strategies that we could learn to do in private to help calm down our own nervous systems.”

What is Tapping?

Tapping, otherwise known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, is a powerful, evidence-based stress-reduction and healing technique.

  • It uses acupressure (aka tapping) on different parts of the face and chest that correspond to some of the same areas used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. 

  • Because it decreases cortisol levels and sends calming signals to the hippocampus and amygdala, tapping can help to rewire your brain's habitual response to stressful triggers.

  • Tapping is easy to do, with little to no side effects, and you'll experience incredible, lasting benefits quickly (often immediately).

  • Based on her work as a tapping practitioner with countless clients in healthcare and other professions, and well as several years successfully training others in the live setting to teach tapping, Dr. Jill Wener designed this online 'Train the Trainer' course to take the guesswork out of teaching this incredible technique to others, as well as deepening your own tapping practice.

Training Testimonial

with Allison Simpson

Course curriculum

  • 1

    CME Statement

    • A Special Note About CME Credit (please review)
  • 2

    Intro to the Course

    • Intro to your instructor, Dr. Jill Wener
    • Download your course workbook
    • What this training is (and what it is not)
    • Your Course Agenda and Getting the Most Out Of This Training
    • Course Materials and Resources- What they are and how to use them
  • 3

    Intro to EFT/Tapping

    • What is EFT/Tapping?
    • How is EFT/Tapping Used?
    • The history of EFT/Tapping
    • The mechanism of EFT/Tapping
    • The data supporting EFT/Tapping
  • 4

    Getting started: the basics of a tapping sequence

    • The tapping points
    • What do I tap on?
    • The tapping recipe
    • The tapping worksheet overview
    • Putting the tapping worksheet into action
    • What to do if (when) a new emotion pops up while tapping
    • Tapping in the positive
    • Tapping in the positive in action
    • Limitations, side effects, and caveats of tapping
  • 5

    Tapping for Pain

    • How to tap for pain
    • The tapping for pain worksheet
    • Putting tapping for pain into action
  • 6

    Teaching tapping in the Group Setting

    • Sample agendas
    • More on teaching tapping in the group setting
  • 7

    Trauma and Tapping

    • What is Trauma?
    • How tapping can be used in trauma spaces, and how to be trauma-informed while tapping
    • The Window of Tolerance and how to recognize trauma activation
    • Tapping to regulate the nervous system while activated
    • Putting tapping for nervous system regulation into action
  • 8

    Tapping For Kids

    • Tapping with kids
  • 9

    How To Troubleshoot Tapping

    • Troubleshooting tapping for yourself and people you’re teaching
  • 10


    • When to refer to a tapping practitioner
    • Ethics of teaching tapping
  • 11

    References and Resources

    • References and resources
  • 12

    Practicum and Course Conclusion

    • Instructions for your training practicum sessions
    • What's Next?
    • Bonus tapping sequence to address fear and resistance to teaching tapping
  • 13

    End-of-Course Test (required for CME/CE Credit)

    • How to claim your CME/CE credits
    • End-of-Course Test (for CME/CE credit)

An Evidence-Based Addition To Your Skill Set

Learn to teach tapping, and deepen your own tapping practice, with this trauma-informed, hands-on, CME-accredited training.

Get started now

Bonus Tapping Resources

These 'Ready to Teach' bonuses will help you hit the ground running:

  • Tapping Script Worksheet

    This worksheet takes the guesswork out of creating your own tapping sequence... and teaching it to others. It guides you step-by-step through all aspects of the tapping sequence, with options to customize along the way.

  • Tapping for Pain Bonus Module

    The 'Tapping for Pain' module will teach you to tap on your own pain, as well as teach patients, clients, and colleagues to tap on their pain! This module includes a special tapping script just for pain.

  • Tapping Sequence For Fear and Resistance to Teaching Tapping

    Learning a new skill can be exciting, and applying that new skill in the 'real world' can feel daunting and maybe even a bit scary. Once you've completed the training, this bonus guided tapping sequence will help you kick any fear or resistance about teaching tapping to the curb.

Training Testimonial

with Emily Christianson


When you enroll today, you'll get instant access to these amazing additional tapping resources:

  • Tapping Tracker and Emotion Tracker Worksheets

    These resources will help you keep track of all of the different emotions and 'aha moments' that can come up during a tapping sequence, so that you never miss a beat when tapping on your own or teaching people to tap.

  • How To Integrate Tapping Into Daily Life

    Tapping is so easy to do, yet many people are confused about how to integrate it into their lives as a wellness tool. This resource will help you- and your future students- seamlessly integrate tapping into their lives in a way that best works for them!

  • Infusing the Positive Bonus Module

    Infusing the positive is an important aspect of expert tapping, and this bonus resource will make it easy for you to understand the 'why' and 'how' of infusing positivity to super-charge your tapping results, without the pitfalls of toxic positivity.

  • How To Use Tapping In DEI and Anti-Oppression Work

    Tapping has SO MANY applications, and this resource will give you specific, practical ways to use tapping in the anti-oppression and social justice space- no matter what your identity!

  • Troubleshooting Your Tapping Session

    Tapping is easy to learn, and there are always way to make it even more effective. This ready-to-share handout will make it even easier for you to help you and your future tapping students make the most of their tapping experience.

  • Sample EFT/Tapping Workshop Schedule

    Want to teach tapping but intimidated by how to submit proposals for tapping workshops? Dr. Jill has created sample workshop schedules and submission proposals for you to adapt to your own professional conferences.

At Your Fingertips

Evidence-based, trauma-informed, and CME-accredited stress relief, team building, professional development, and more!

Get started now

Your Course Instructor

Jill Wener, MD

Jill Wener, MD

Dr. Jill Wener is a coach and consultant specializing in trauma-informed healing, empowerment, and advocacy. She is an entrepreneur and business owner who teaches EFT/tapping and meditation and provides anti-racism education and consulting. She is nationally-renowned as an expert in physician wellness, and she has:

-Led physician wellness programs around the country.

-Lectured at the national level on stress and the benefits of tapping and meditation.

-Been interviewed on multiple TV shows, radio shows, and podcasts.

She is also a podcast host and best-selling author, and she has several articles published on KevinMD.

Jill’s pursuits and experiences have not only helped her spread awareness of the techniques and education she advocates for, but they have also reshaped her philosophy. She has remained an avid listener and constant student, and her approach today is informed by her personal and professional experiences, her education and training, and her commitment to pursuing racial and social justice and fighting oppression.

Jill strongly believes that there is no ‘quick fix’; no singular technique can address all of the physical and emotional challenges of today’s society. Further, we don’t need ‘fixing’. Jill has come to understand on her own journey that we are all already enough, and she integrates that mindset into her work with clients. She’s also passionate about rejecting toxic perfectionist wellness mindsets, as these not only can harm people seeking out wellness practices, they also get in the way of true progress and growth.

Jill also believes in taking a trauma-informed approach to every session and workshop, and even to everyday personal encounters. She’s committed to providing – and being – a safe, judgment-free space for people and groups to make real strides toward the lives they’ve always wanted, but might’ve felt too disconnected to live.

She believes everyone deserves to have easy-to-use tools to heal and manage burnout, daily stressors, significant life changes, trauma and PTSD, interpersonal relationships, distressing political events and social justice concerns, and more.

Beyond having the tools, she wants people to feel empowered to embrace the fullness of their emotions – even the supposedly “bad” ones – so they can make true, meaningful progress in their individual journeys. She also believes everyone benefits when even one person accesses meaningful education and tools around anti-racism, anti-oppression and advocacy.

Jill has worked with clients such as Georgia Aquarium, ChenMed, Hartford Hospital, Emory University, Lodestar, the Santa Clara Medical Society, the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health, Yale University, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, University of Washington, Centene, Atkins Global, and the National Alliance for Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions. She is also the host of the Conscious Anti-Racism podcast.

Follow Jill on social media:
Instagram: @jillwenerMD
LinkedIN: @jillwenerMD

Training Testimonial

with Dr. Jocelyn Craig


  • Do I need previous EFT/Tapping experience to do this training?

    All levels of Tapping experience (including not experience at all) are welcome! If you’d like to experience EFT/Tapping personally, all course participants have the option to save 50% on up to three 1:1 tapping sessions with Jill ($375 value). Just email Jill after you've registered at [email protected] and she'll help you get started with the 1:1 sessions.

  • What is EFT/Tapping?

    Tapping, otherwise known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, is a powerful, evidence-based stress-reduction and healing technique. It uses acupressure (aka tapping) on different parts of the face and chest that correspond to some of the same areas used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. By tapping on these tapping points, you can induce profound changes in the brain and nervous system, which can help you reach your physical and emotional goals.

  • How will I be able to apply this training once it’s done?

    This ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop will give you the skills to teach basic EFT/Tapping to family, friends, and colleagues in a 1-2 hour workshop setting, or more informally. You’ll learn how to teach the basics of EFT/Tapping, including how to create your own EFT/Tapping sequence and how to structure your EFT/Tapping workshop. You’ll also be able to use this training to start or deepen your own EFT/Tapping practice!

  • Is CME available for this course?

    Yes! This course is accredited for 12 hours of CME and CE for doctors, nurses, NP's, PA's, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, social workers, and pharmacists. Please check out the CME statement at the end of this page for more details.

  • What are the benefits of EFT/Tapping?

    Tapping can help manage stress, decrease anxiety and overwhelm, process trauma and PTSD, address self-limiting beliefs, decrease cravings, process difficult emotions, improve (or eliminate!) acute and chronic physical pain, resolve phobias, improve personal and professional relationships, make major life decisions, and more!

  • Do I have to practice tapping outside of this training in order to teach it?

    The short answer: nope! However, the more personal experience you have with tapping, the better you will be at teaching it. Plus, it’s easy, powerful and life-changing, so you’ll feel even better the more you practice. If you practice on a regular basis, you’ll get even more benefits, but a regular/consistent practice is not a requirement.

  • Will this training certify me to become an EFT/Tapping Practitioner?

    No, but it is a great starting point if you are looking to dive deeper into EFT/Tapping personally or professionally. Becoming an EFT/Tapping practitioner is a much more intensive training that is beyond the scope of this ‘Train the Trainer’ course.

Look No Further

Empower yourself to bring the life-changing technique of tapping to family (including kids!), friends, colleagues, patients, and more.

Start your training now

CME Information and Disclosures

(the fine print)

The course director(s), planner(s), faculty, and reviewer(s) of this activity have no relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

Accreditation Statement & Designation Statement
In support of improving patient care, Rush University Medical Center is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Joint Providership Statement:

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Rush University Medical Center and Jill Wener, MD, Coaching and Consulting. Rush University Medical Center is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation Statements

For Medicine:
Rush University Medical Center designates enduring material for a maximum of 12.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program.  It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.

For Nursing:

Rush University Medical Center designates this enduring material for a maximum of 12.00 nursing contact hour(s).
For Pharmacy:
Rush University Medical Center designates this knowledge-based enduring material for a maximum of 12.00 contact hour(s) for pharmacists.
For Psychologists:
Rush University Medical Center designates this enduring material for 12.00 CE credits in psychology. 
For Dieticians:
This enduring material has been approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration for 12.00 CPEUs.
For Social Work:
As a Jointly Accredited Organization, Rush University Medical Center is approved to offer social work continuing education buy the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved continuing education (ACE) program.  Organizations, not individual courses, are approved under this program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit.  Social workers completing this course receive 12.00 general continuing education credits.
For physical therapy or occupational therapy:
Rush University Medical Center is an approved provider for physical therapy and occupational therapy by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.

Rush University Medical Center designates this enduring material for 12.00 continuing education credits.

As a provider of continuing education, Rush University Medical Center asks everyone who has the ability to control or influence the content of an educational activity to disclose information about all of their financial relationships with ineligible companies within the prior 24 months. There is no minimum financial threshold; individuals must disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. Individuals must disclose regardless of their view of the relevance of the relationship to the education. Mechanisms are in place to identify and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest prior to the start of the activity. All information disclosed must be shared with the participants/learners prior to the start of the educational activity.

Unapproved Uses of Drugs/Devices: In accordance with requirements of the FDA, the audience is advised that information presented in this continuing medical education activity may contain references to unlabeled or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Please refer to the FDA approved package insert for each drug/device for full prescribing/utilization information.

The course director(s), planner(s), faculty and reviewer(s) of this activity have no relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

Faculty and Disclosure Information

The principal faculty of this course:

  • Jill Wener, MD

All individuals in control of content for this activity have indicated they have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

This course is administered via an online teaching platform.

In order to obtain credit, each participant is expected to complete the online material in its entirety, complete the accompanying self-reflection exercises in the course workbook, and complete 3 hours of practice teaching tapping using materials provided within the course. They must then complete a quiz at the end of the course with a minimum 80% passing grade. Participants will then evaluate the course and claim credit. The course is expected to take 12 hours to complete.

Course ID Number: EN630-0424

Begin Date – 4/26/2024
End Date – 4/25/2027

Estimated Time of Completion: 12 hours

Course Objectives:

1. Apply knowledge of the brain's stress response to a stress reduction practice

2. Practice and teach the evidence-based stress reduction technique called EFT/Tapping

3. Compare different ways to use tapping in the personal and professional settings

4. Recognize how to practice and teach tapping in a trauma-informed manner

Looking for more EFT/Tapping courses?

Our other tapping offerings include an intro tapping course, tapping for burnout, and a tapping library with over 100 tapping guided tapping resources!

  • $59.00

    $59.00Tap In: How to Create Your Own Foolproof Tapping Sequence

    Buy Now
  • $239.00

    $239.00Tapped Out: A Doctor’s Guide to Preventing and Managing Burnout Through Tapping

    Buy Now
  • $47.00 / month

    $47.00 / monthThe Wellness Tap: Your Resource For In-The-Moment Stress Relief

    Buy Now